Answer: "because they can", I suppose
I received my payslip today and it is missing a significant portion of my take home pay.
HMRC has changed my tax code from 1128L (£11,280 per year tax free) to K498X (-£4980 tax free) without bothering to notify me.
I got a bonus and it seems like they assumed I'd be earning that amount every month going forward??
I updated my tax account online with my actual expected earnings and now my code is 803T (£8030 tax free).
Where has the (£11,280-£8030)=£3250 gone? I have no clue.
I feel like I need to hire an accountant just to explain my PAYE tax, as there is no explanation from HMRC to go along with it. Just me or ridiculous?
I received my payslip today and it is missing a significant portion of my take home pay.
HMRC has changed my tax code from 1128L (£11,280 per year tax free) to K498X (-£4980 tax free) without bothering to notify me.
I got a bonus and it seems like they assumed I'd be earning that amount every month going forward??
I updated my tax account online with my actual expected earnings and now my code is 803T (£8030 tax free).
Where has the (£11,280-£8030)=£3250 gone? I have no clue.
I feel like I need to hire an accountant just to explain my PAYE tax, as there is no explanation from HMRC to go along with it. Just me or ridiculous?