How does i tunes work?

16 Jun 2004
I've several MP3 players and have always preferred drop and drag type ones which allow me to load music without having to go through the manufacturers software.

I've been given a CD/RADIO player with an i pod doc and am thinking of getting an i pod for the first time.

I've tried on a couple of occasions to install itunes on my PC. However, 12 hours or so later it is still working away and doesn't seem to have recognised a lot of my music.

Is this typical of the way it works?

If I install it and it hasn't recognised/named an album can I still use it to transfer that album onto an i pod?
It should never take 12 hours unless you have petabytes of music. :p

If it doesn't know the names of artists and albums it's due to the tag information being empty.

You can still copy over but it'll all show as unknown artist, unknown album etc.

You can set it to manually manage music so you can effectively use drag and drop.
I assume we're talking about iTunes on Windows here:

iTunes keeps its own library file. Even if all of your music is arranged meticulously, you'll still have to add it to iTunes, and organise it within the program itself (a big bugbear for me). If you ever add to your music library you'll have to add it to iTunes as well - theres no monitoring of folders.

Unless you have 100s of gigabytes of music or a terribly slow/old computer, 12 hours is far too long. Don't let iTunes search for your music, manually add the folder where all your music is, or just drag and drop it into the iTunes window.

As an alternative, Winamp has a plug in which can sync music to an iPod. I use it and find it easier cos Winamp scans your music folders to keep the library constantly up to date.
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