How does memory represent non value operations, and how does and electron gun get varying informatio

17 Jun 2012
I get how memory is structured into bits and bytes and 8 bits which can either be 0 or 1 can represent up to 255. So by adding bytes together you can go up to whataver values the cpu is built to deal with. But how do you store say an addition or multiplication in bits and bytes or any other operation such as looping. Or maybe the CPU compiles all operations into values before it stores them in memory, I think this is minicode compiler or something. Basically how does memory work?

I think I can't get out of the abstraction layer and into pure hardware, which is ultimately just a voltage on or off. And for that matter, taking a CRT cathode ray tube, it's rows of pixels with each pixel having three colours and depending of the energy of the electrons hitting each 1/3 of a pixel simultaneously you can build up all the possible colours etc. So how do you tell the electon gun that you want a certain pixel at a certain intensity using the binary principle of on or off, are the voltages from incoming data varied to tell the electron gun this or how does it work?

In other words how do you go from bits and bytes in memory to varying electron energies in the the gun?
17 Jun 2012
It was a bit of a confusing post. I guess what I was saying is, taking a CRT for example, as far as my simplistic idea of how they work is, you have rows of pixels and the electron gun scan down these at about 25 times a second, there must be 3 guns per pixel, RGB etc. So the only info the gun needs is how is what intensity to illuminate each 1/3 of a pixel with.

As you said you have streams of data coming through the bus to the gun. So where is the point where all these bytes of data are actually assigned into coordinates for the guns to know what pixel to shine at what intensity.
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