How does my Kindle download?

16 Apr 2015
Hi, odd question I know, but bear with me...
I have an old Kindle Fire HD 7in model, not sure how old but at least 5 yrs (I had it from new, just don't recall when). Previously, in the past, I download books, and read them, great.
What been happening more and more is that I get emails suggesting books when im halfway through reading something, so i'll download as per normal but don't read until I finished my current book. Whilst im doing that, I may download more new books.
I get to the first new book, try to open it by tapping the cover of it on the screen, and it tells me its not downloaded. I then have to reconnect to internet (ok if at home, even though the kindle is slower than a politician admitting wrongdoing) and, to my mind at least, download it again.
So, whats happening? Why didn't it download the first time, and given I subsequently download other books and therefore am hitting the Sync key on my kindle, why isn't it downloading then? It tells me it has downloaded but clearly hasn't when I get round to it, but usually has had at least 2 chances to have downloaded.
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