How does UK make money?

20 Nov 2011
Basically been in discussion lately and we were talking about how China,Usa,Germany etc make money but then the conversation got to UK and everyone kinda went quiet...

So how do we make enough money as a country to be in top 10 richest countries in the whole world?
one difference I noticed here from Finland where I grew up is that your school system is expensive. Back home universities are free and you're given bursaries for studying basically getting paid for studying.
Financial services.

one difference I noticed here from Finland where I grew up is that your school system is expensive. Back home universities are free and you're given bursaries for studying basically getting paid for studying.
Not sure if you're saying that's a way to make money?

In Finland and the UK I gather it is the same, the government pays for the universities, only here students pay it back.
Print dem dolla dolla billz yo.

On a serious note, financial services, some fine chemicals, some oil and gas and i think there's some IT too
Ripping off the residents. Sorry, banking.

Oh and being laundry service for mafia's, oh wait, no, that's also our banks.

Edit: More to come!

Funding terrorism against this country and our allies, rigging interest rates... Hmm what else?
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Watch the most recent episode of Top Gear. It is exceptionally surprising what we still manufacturer here used all over the world. Technology and research as well as the financial services.

Tech invented and owned in this country appears I think in pretty much every single smart phone for example.
Basically lots of money flows through the city towards tax free jurisdictions. We shave a bit off the top of the worlds funny money and it makes us all happy :)
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