How does Youtube etc make money?

Supposedly from advertising, but I can't remember where I've actually clicked on a banner to purchase something in the last 10 years on the internet :p Infact my eyes just filter adverts out these days. I'm surprised anyone pays any attention to them.
Beat you all. :p

There's also rumour that a lot of these sites can make money from data mining, e.g finding out what people want to watch etc and selling that information.
i always thought that, but u dont have to click on it for the company to gain something from it, take tv adverts for example, u can't click on them but they still get businesses promotion. subconsious stuff and all that
clv101 said:
Urm I'm not sure they do! Sure they make a little through advertising but nothing like enough to cover the bandwidth costs.
Google certainly do. Look at their share price, its massive. They must be making some serious money.
Are ads mostly pay per click these days or are many still pay per view?
I can't remember the last time i clicked on an ad, and i've never bought anything from one.
In the thread about Google buying Youtube someone mentioned that Youtube actually didn't make money, and was running at a lose, not sure if that is true, but I can imagine it being the case.
Joe42 said:
How did they manage to grow it from a startup business then if its been making a loss?

Venture capital, my friend, venture capital.

Basically idiotic investors will throw money at any stupid idea in the hope that they get lucky and ride the gravy train all the way to the bank.
Google has done a good job at monetizing search, they now wish to do the same with video, the Google stock price to be honest is a joke.

The stock market love growth and Google has been able to show impressive numbers, % growth is easy when you small and grow into something big, the real trick is making your big company even bigger and still keeping the markets happy with massive % growth.

Google has no option but to try new stuff and make it fly otherwise their fancy stock price will come falling down around their ears.

vonhelmet said:
Basically idiotic investors will throw money at any stupid idea in the hope that they get lucky

Well if you were the idiotic investor that helped youtube then your laughing all the way to the bank on the back of Googles $, Google paid $1.65 billion, bwahahahhahaa!

OK maybe it will turn out to be a good investment, only time will really tell and Google have got deep pockets thanks to there silly stock price ;)

As to the OP question, obviously as people have stated it doesn't make money, I'm sure being owned by Google will help though as they will get some very nice bandwidth pricing and Google will help them monetize their site.

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