Id install windows in a VM so you can run windows live from within osx. Takes a chunk of ram and CPU power, but i dont see a perforrmance hit as i dont do any real productive stuff on my laptop. Usually im not being productive if im web camming aswell
i have seen information that early 2009 (possibly january time) a beta for the next MacMessanger will be out that will enable cross platform video calling.
I had no end of trouble. Used Boot Camp first and Vista Ultimate 32bit kept BSODing on me.
Then used parallels to load it within os x and that defeated the object as the video drivers are wdm and unfit for anything graphically challenging such as PS, Premiere or games.
In the end I gave up and just got my head into os x. Wouldn't besmirch my mac with ms now for anything.
do what the other poster says and use skype which works wonderfully well on os x
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