How far would Corsair 2 x1gb XMS3200C2PT Oc?

23 Apr 2006
I am trying to find the limit of this RAM
Corsair 2 x1 gb XMS3200C2PT

So far i pass memtest86 at

VDimm 2.6V, 230, at 2.5-3-3-6 (tested for 1 hr)

I wonder how would far the RAM can go in terms of FSB, votage and timming so i can set my target and get to my Maximum easier.

Many thanks
InSanCen said:
What revision is it on the Sticker? Let us know, and we can give you an Idea, based on what chips are on it.

Here are the info. Hope its worth it. Took me 40 mins to craw down, take the biggy x1900xt off and try to get to the RAM.

CMX 1024-3200C2PT XMS 3202 V.1.2

XMS3200 1024 400 MHz CL2
is it worth doing 250 Mhz on 2.5-3-3-5 T1 or try 207 2,3,2,5 1t @2.6v liek yours? in terms of performace gain

My rig is AMD 16 4000+ 11x250 HTT
djcj said:
What are the stock timings for these sticks? I am thinking of buying them but would not be doing any form of overclocking at all. Are they good sticks to buy if not doing any overclocking?

DDR 400 2.5 - 3 -3 -6 stock version 1.2
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