How Good is an iMac?

26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
I'm wanting to upgrade my PC as I've had it for 5 years now and it's held out really well. But it's getting old now so I'd like a change.

I've been to the Apple Shops and played around with the Mac's but never really asked in detail what they're good for.

I'd like to play Games odd Css/WoW on High but not like at 1028202x21921219 resolutions.

Video/Photo Editing I'd also like todo without the slowdowns I get on this computer. I use Photoshop a lot btw.

Thanks for any input.
Thank you Maccy. Now it's just deciding which screen would be Ideal for me, 20" or 24". Seen both in person and 24" just looks huge.
Great, another thread that has been derailed. Not surprising since it seems the usual in this section of these forums.

Vita had a set of requirements which the higher end iMac are perfectly capable of fulfilling them. He did not ask for a cheaper alternative or an alternative that boasts higher specifications for a similar price. In fact he was deciding which size iMac would be ideal for himself until all hell broke loose.

Vita, it seems that the high end 20 inch iMac (if you think the screen quality is fine) or the low end 24 inch iMac are the ideal choices for you.

Tbh my Requirements arn't that big. I would just prefer a Mac over a PC now. It saves space and I'm sick of Windows so would like a change. Yes I know I could build a good computer with the money but then again I just don't want to stick with Windows.

I was thinking of going for the 24" 2.8GHz iMac with 4GB RAM and the nVidia card instead of ATI. But don't know which would be better? I could stretch to the 3.06GHz but don't know if the CPU speed would matter that much.

And also, are they overclockable? Lol. :p
New iMacs on November 4th?

- Montevina 2.6 - 3.2 Ghz
- Nvidia Geforce 9600 and 9800 GT
- Faster DDR3 RAM

Just read that from macrumors forums.
I ditched my PC a few months ago, so in 2009 a shiny iMac will complement my MacBook.

I will be getting mine in 2009 January. Should I wait encase of any hardware changes to the iMac's? I've heard they do the macworld convention thingies, and tell you there?
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