how hard to make this?

can someone post me to a link to download the latest flash software thing. I have tried from adobe, and it downloaded, but then when i try to install it asks for language, does something likes its installing but then just quits (i think) and thats the last i hear from it. Aynone know if a differnt download will work or is it something on my pc? wheni install i exit Firefox
Al Vallario said:
Well he "knows" Photoshop. I don't know if he has a copy of it ;)

sorry i haven't replied in ages, went on holiday.

i do have photoshop but i dont own it, my friend has it for his university and this is a shared computer.

when i said i know html etc i meant that i have complteted tutorials online for them all except php & mySQL but there is in no way in the world i would know how to start a website like that, i would have to refer to websites for help a lot.

if people say its do able in html etc then can i get advice on how. so like what i'd need to start with, then how to layout the html code if that makes sense?

~I would really appreciate it

btw i will teach myself flash no matter what as i want to learn as much as possible, but i may not use it if people feel html would be a better option
Lagz said:
There is no way you can make that in html.

i meant javascript, css, xhtml etc, all the things i listed that i know

also is it possible to have some flash, but then in load html or whatever in the middle of it. so for instance, on the website i linked in first thread, the look of it is flash, buttons flash, but when clicked html or javascript is loaded then shown with the flash still there unchanged, so a new page isn't needed to be loaded and would allow for easy update of pictures, cv etc.
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