How high is your Sky Digital signal/quality?

27 Aug 2003
I've just installed a quad output LNB and am getting the following:

Output 1 - Signal = 60%, Quality = 70% (Panasonic)
Output 2 - Signal = 30%, Quality = 70% (Thomson)
Output 3 - Not in use
Output 4 - Not in use

What do you people get? What is considered good/acceptable?
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Signal 95%, quality 90% (ish, looking at the bars)

I have a larger than average dish for sky digital, and i only re-alligned it the other day so it hasent had a chance to be knocked yet
lnb1 strength=90% quality=90%
lnb2 strength=60% quality=95%

Though my lnb2 quality does vary quite a lot usually, its pretty good tonight for some reason. I read that the strength doesn't really matter, its all about the quality.
sky + input 1 Strength 50 % quality 75%
sky + input 2 Strenght 60% quality 90%

and yes i believe its the quality that matters..
If you are going to fiddle with your dish then a good test is get a damp tea towel and place it over the LNB. If you can still get a signal with this cloth over it then you will have good reception in almost all weather conditions.
On My Sky+
Input 1: 60% Signal Strength 75% Quality
Input 2: Same

The Panasonic box esp. the TUDSB30 will provide a much higher signal strength than some others because the tuners in Panasonic boxes so I am told are much more sensitive.

The TUDSB30 is also renowned to be the best reciever in areas that are very poor. I have a bank of Trees to the southerly direction where my dish is pointed, and these dont affect it all that much.

If you have moved the or messed with it then I suggest getting it aligned by an installer with one of there digital signal testers (They cost about £200-300 the ****** - £29.99 job just doesnt cut it) and then decide if the signal is bad.

Not heard of the Tea Towel Trick but I think that its a nice idea to try it out and see if it does affect the signal :)

A lot of the Panasonic boxes have been or are being rendered useless thanks to the new Sky software.

My DSB30 died, since the update BBC1 (101) is tempromental.

It's a documented fault. I think it has something to do with the box not having enough memory with these new 4 digit channel numbers.

The tea towel will definately effect the signal! (Don't use a think one either).

It will go real low but if you still have it and it's stable then you know your doing well!
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