How important is it to match memory brands?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa
I've got two 512MB sticks of GeIL value memory at the moment and I'm looking to upgrade to 2GB. Is it important that I get the same brand of memory? Or will everything work fine with different brands?
should work but it can depend on your motherboard. It will also run at the lowest spec'd memory's speeds and at 2t if your on A64.
even with just 2x1gb sticks of ram its not forced to run in 1T tho, well, mine wont and i have some OCZ 4000 2x1gb sticks that refuse to run in 1T.
Psyk said:
What does 2t mean?

Not 100% sure exactly but its to do with memory speeds with 1t being about 5-10% faster than 2t. 4 sticks will only run at 2t and in most cases a kit of 2 sticks will run at 1t unless its clocked too much and you have to slacken timings to keep it stable
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