How is domain parking still allowed?

27 Dec 2005
I've been searching for a new domain for the past 20 minutes or so and every single one as a has been taken... and none have been operational.

How is it that Nominet (in the case of's) allow this? It isn't productive or of value to anyone but some crappy parking firm in a dingy office in Slough.

I understand there must be a difficulty deciphering which domains are used and unused, owned for a genuine reason or just parked, but it's clearly obvious when a domain states it's for sale for a ridiculous four-figure price.

yep, fully agree with you about it, especially when it's things like brand names or place names.

However, most people seem to be under the opinion its fine and is fair. However it's very annoying.
Couldn't you say that about land?

"Why are people allowed to own land but not use it for anything?!?"

Domain parking is barely profitable any longer, and Google's most recent updates have taken the wind out of the sail of spammy affiliate sites on exact match domains so I'd imagine you'll see a lot of the domains of this type being dropped in the next couple of years.

For a business, I wouldn't consider anything other than .com or, however, if you're just looking for a personal email/website domain then you could look at using a more exotic extension. This is a nice website for searching for some more out of the way domains:-
It's just the same with any commodity tbh. Speculate to accumulate. I've made some very nice money from domaining in the past. I also have domains that I once developed but no longer have a site on that I've owened for the last decade and have a somewhat sentimental value.

Others I plan to develop 'one day' but wouldn't say no if someone came along in the interim and made an exceptional offer. And others I just use for emails.

Get ready for the .uk landrush ;)
It maybe annoying, but that is all it is.
It's annoying that you didn't get there first!!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a little domain name speculation. There are rules regarding registering domains in bad faith. However if the domain was registered before a company came into existence or it has "Multiple" definitions or even a generic word then it's a first come first served situation.

In the olden days you had to supply two name servers so that you could register a domain name. You didn't have firms selling easy one-click purchasing services. You went straight to the main registry and purchased there and having your own public nameservers on the net was one of the requirements.

I have speculated in domain names, registered a couple of good sounding ones but they bring in no interest. I'm using one of them for nameservers and the other two are just parked.
I've also got a couple of 4-character "sound a like" names - the .com and .net version which I get an email at least once every other week asking if I'm interesting in selling or not.
One day the right offer will come through for them. Until then, they'll just host a personal site.
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