I thought about getting an iPhone as my O2 contract runs out in 2 months. I realised that for the 16GB model, by the time the contract was up I'd have shelled out around £800!!
£34.26 x 18 = £616.68
16GB handset = £155.61
I mean that is just OBSCENE. To think you can pick up an iPod touch for about £150 which is essentially the same thing bar the phone function. The profit on these must be disgustingly huge. I bet you any money most iPhone owners don't even know how much it adds up to.
Back to my point though. If other networks were allowed to sell the iPhone then O2 would be forced to put the prices down, but at present they can sell it for whatever they want.
Fair enough, £35 a month doesn't sound that much but £780 or whatever it is can buy you some nice luxuries. Doesn't seem worth it for the sake of having a sheep phone. I guess a lot of people buy it for form/fashion over function though.
£34.26 x 18 = £616.68
16GB handset = £155.61
I mean that is just OBSCENE. To think you can pick up an iPod touch for about £150 which is essentially the same thing bar the phone function. The profit on these must be disgustingly huge. I bet you any money most iPhone owners don't even know how much it adds up to.
Back to my point though. If other networks were allowed to sell the iPhone then O2 would be forced to put the prices down, but at present they can sell it for whatever they want.
Fair enough, £35 a month doesn't sound that much but £780 or whatever it is can buy you some nice luxuries. Doesn't seem worth it for the sake of having a sheep phone. I guess a lot of people buy it for form/fashion over function though.