How likely am i to get a pc on credit from overclockers. My credit score is...

1 Nov 2017
I'm looking to purchase

A work colleague suggested I get it on finance.
I've got a argos card with a £2100 credit limit but that has a £0 balance on it .
I've got a credit card at £2500 limit at 70% spent.

My clearscore is at 872/1000 and 83 affordability.

My experian is at 942/1000.

The scores seem good but I've read horror stories of people applying for credit with fantastic scores but getting rejected and then a their score plummets.

I've never had credit from anyone apart from argos so I'm not sure what the crack is.
Would hate to be rejected and my scores to go down like.
Anyone here been successful with monthly payments?

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So you already have approx £3.5k debt? I hate using the word credit. It hides the fact it is a debt and that you owe that money (on probably a high interest rate due to it being on cards).

Personally I would pay that off before buying a new toy. I appreciate that's not the question you asked or the advice you want. But it's what I would tell any of my friends or family.
My argos has 0 spent on it at the min...and I'm about £1700 spent on the £2500 cc.

It's less stress for me to pay monthly than spend £2000 in one go.
If i apply and they reject, then that's ok....I just don't want it to affect my credit file
This post is bonkers. If you want to pay monthly then just put the money in savings each month until you have enough to buy it. Not sure how taking on more debt can be 'less stress' than buying outright.
If you get rejected then of course it's going to affect your credit history. Not that credit history is even really important anyway. You're focusing on the wrong things here.

If you really must take it out on credit, which you don't, then clear your other debts first or you risk going into a pointless debt spiral.
There's nothing bonkers about wanting to pay £25 a week for less than 2 years instead of paying £2000 in one go
The last thing I'd be buying if I had no money would be a PC. I'd be booking overtime at work, paying off existing debts and going from there.
I agree with what you're saying ......but I have not said that I "had no money" . I'm just wanting to pay minimal amounts per month instead of £2000 in one go
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