How long do you keep your bike for?

22 Oct 2004
I bought mine last year brand new 10' plate a Honda Hornet. For the last 3 months ive been eyeing up the new Honda CrossRunner, it cost about 9k. No intentions of buying it just yet i asked how much i would get for my bike and he said about 3k. I was a bit suprised as i only had it last year off them and its only done 5500miles. So ive decided to keep the bike for quite a few years now until i save up enough to buy it myself.

Anyway how long do you keep your bikes for?
My uncle bought a brand new speed triple back in 2007 and he looks after it and wont ride in wet/rain/winter and is forever cleaning it. It still looks brand new and im sure he will keep it for quite a few years yet. His last bike he kept for nearly 10 years and that still looked like new.
Ill probably keep mine for about 5 years till the new bike itch comes too much:p
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