How long for the first battery charge on IPhone 3GS?

21 Jun 2005
I searched and can only find out about maintaining the battery.

How long should I do the first charge for please?
i just used it and then charged unplugged it when it was at 100% dnt think u have to condition batteries anymore:D i could wrong so im sur emore replies will come
I don't it matters to much nowadays ... I would just give it a good charge 1st time round then use it like normal afterwards. Generally I wouldn't charge the phone unless it is near empty.
I charged mine till it was 100% only last a day tho when been playing with it, also it goes down over night when I am not using it or got anything running? :|
I charged mine till it was 100% only last a day tho when been playing with it, also it goes down over night when I am not using it or got anything running? :|

Turn off WiFi except for when you need it - makes a huge difference to battery life.
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used mine straight out the box, it came with about 40% battery. after a play i charged it to full which took a few hours. i get about 2 days out of it now with wifi on and decent amount of use
I also disable 3G (as well as wi-fi) and only enable it when I need it. Makes a huge difference!

The slight annoyance at re-enabling 3G when required vs low battery is no major drama. Uses 50% per day with medium use.
Yes I also disable 3G and Wifi on mine, it makes a big difference. At times I don't even really get a 3G reception so I actually leave it off all the time.
I disabled location based services in the settings and my battery life has improved enormously! Can't recommend this enough. Apparently it polls the GPS every minute, no wonder...
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