How long is a piece of string ?

4 Aug 2018
Hi I'm hoping that someone will be able to give some approximate info about fuel consumption for trucks transporting containers.
Containers would get picked up from a port and get taken up the road to the intended destination. The trick may or may not come back with a empty box.
What fuel consumption over a typical week for how many miles travelled in that week.
Does anyone have data on how fuel consumption differs when a box is hailed to when the smelly is empty ?
I appreciate it's very loose, but your knowledge and experience would have the answers.
Hi again
I am sorry for the auto-spell putting in wrong words.
My bad for failing to preview the post before hitting 'post reply'.
I may have joined the wrong forum and that is a distinct possibility.
I'm British 62 yr old with an interest in fuel economy for different kinds of HGV.
I've worked in construction at the hands on end of things, so Im not so much of a scholar.

If anyone could let me know what a typical week hauling containers looks like , in terms I'd fuel consumption, I'd be very grateful.
I'm looking for miles travelled, gallons / litres per mile/ kilometre used over that distance.
MPG while with 40' Laden and same truck while empty ( skelly!).
What petcentage of the time loaded, what percentage of the time empty.
Any information I would welcome as I'm a bit of a garden shed inventor so I look at different subjects usually in some depth.
Interesting for me, plus it annoys other half !
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