How long until Ireland is united?

30 Jul 2006
I see that the leader of the DUP has resigned amidst infighting within the party days after Arlene Foster stood down as First Minister of the consistently dysfunctional Northern Ireland Assembly.

The EU, the GB and the US are in danger of falling out over the relationship between Northern Ireland, the EU and GB.

How long can it be before reality results in the unification of the island of Ireland?
Is there any recent polling data to indicate whether a majority would want to ? The DUP overplayed their hand when they held the balance of power in Westminster and now there's a huge backlash. I can't see it getting any better until both communities elect sensible politicians instead of extremist nutters.
I am not aware of any recent polling data to indicate that a majority wants to unite Northern Ireland with the Republic.

However, I suspect that many "Catholics" would favour unification, I suspect that many reasonable "Protestants" have had enough of the medieval attitudes that seem to prevail in the six counties and that there is mounting frustration at the consequences of Brexit.
Any government that allows a United Ireland will have to allow an independent Scotland . . .
To be honest that seems like pretty much a certainty sooner or later anyhow, Wales will probably follow shortly afterwards.

The whole idea of a "United" Kingdom is pretty much a fantasy these days, as is the idea of "Great" - even the North South divide in England is blindingly obvious, despite the slogan of "Levelling up" :rolleyes:
. . . The Irish probably shouldn't be very keen because the protestants would go bonkers in a bad way.
I suspect that some hard-line Protestants would, as you say, go bonkers. However, things in a divided Northern Ireland are hardly a bed of roses anyhow.
Can't see it for Wales without massive changes in opinions. From memory polling doesn't even reach 25% of the Welsh population supporting independence. Where I live there's huge numbers of people commuting in and out of North Wales for work, shopping and leisure - any kind of border checks would be intolerable.
But there would be no border checks - just like in Northern Ireland ;)

I'd go if someone offered me 100k!
I'd probably go to a lot of places!
I'm sure that you will soon hear from the Nigerian Minister of the Interior then :D
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