How Long???

2 Oct 2004
N.W London
How long does it take you experienced web designers / coders to create a site??.....

Ok I know that question is generic so I will elborate

a) consists of around 8 pages
b) css and divs used
c) javascript for menus possibly or even php
d) php form

From start to finish, including you yourself designing the images and thinking of layout and text alignment etc

What do you think is a reasonable amount of time? in total, well how long would it take you??
there is no time limit really.

hmmmmm i disagree....

as there has to be deadlines etc and thereafter you charge for maintenance or include it in the intial fee...

However if you are creating for a client a launch date is a must having completed a few thats what I always do otherwise you get exploited...

back to original question, just wondered what the norm was really

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