re: amp full volume
It's general practise to maintain a minimum of 20dB+ of headroom. Unless an override limiter has been set then most amps will go to 115dB at max output. That doesn't equate to the sound pressure level as measured 'in room' though. The in room SPL is governed by the size of the room, the speaker efficiency and their placement, and any losses in cabling. IOW higher efficiency speakers in a smaller room with decent cable thickness will need less power to achieve 85dB SPL at the measurement position so the amp won't have to work as hard.
Most half decent bookshelf speakers at £80-£150 a pair can manage 86dB from 1 Watt of power when measured at 1m distance. Sound level falls off based on the inverse square law. Even so, it would be quite a poor amp that couldn't achieve 75-80dB at the measurement point. The only brand I am aware of that deliberately limited the SPL during auto set-up was an ARRAM 7.1 from around 2007.