How louds your evga g2 750w

24 Aug 2005
Have been running this psu for a few weeks now in eco mode so its silent i dont think the fan has even spun up even at load, today i tried eco mode off to see if i could get some more exhaust for my case and the fan seems to be quite noisy like its on a high rpm, anyone know what the default speed is supposed tobe at idle? It sounds louder than my 140mm case fans at 1000rpm so i assume its spinning faster than 1000rpm.
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Hi danoliver, what was the distance between you and your system? The G2 series use because of the warranty a double ball bearing fan because of its lifespan and noise level under high loads, in low loads the double ball bearing can be louder then a oil bearing fan but in my opinion the G2 fan is still pretty silent in low rpm. I need to get my head like 20cm in front of the PSU to hear some noise but still not that loud to me. Are you able to share a audio or vid of the noise?
I decided to take the plunge and ordered one about two weeks ago from ocuk. So far I can't fault it. I wouldn't call mine anything close to loud under load. I also run it in eco mode.
When i say loud iam being a bit unfair, i was 20cm away with my head under a desk. When i say loud i was comparing it to my fractal case fans at 1000rpm which are silent at 7 and 5 volts, i will do some more testing tonight.
How far away is it? Is it under a desk?

It isn't under a desk no. Sat next to the TV literally a few feet away from me. Machines usually on for a good 10 hours a day on average as well. The case fans are all I can hear only faintly as well so they don't bother me tbh. Even up close I've never noticed any noise from the PSU. :)
When i say loud iam being a bit unfair, i was 20cm away with my head under a desk. When i say loud i was comparing it to my fractal case fans at 1000rpm which are silent at 7 and 5 volts, i will do some more testing tonight.

I would call mine quiet but just about audible under fairly heavy load. It's very hard to notice once my card ramps up though. Someone not used to the PC wouldn't be able to tell for instance. I also have to put my head under the desk close to notice. Has your case got adequate air flow underneath? (not on carpet with low or no rubber case mounts)
I would call mine quiet but just about audible under fairly heavy load. It's very hard to notice once my card ramps up though. Someone not used to the PC wouldn't be able to tell for instance. I also have to put my head under the desk close to notice. Has your case got adequate air flow underneath? (not on carpet with low or no rubber case mounts)

My case is on thick carpet so the psu is installed upside down with the fan at the top so air flow shouldn't be an issue.
I guess it depends on how quiet is quiet for the individual. I have a fan controller so most of my fans are almost inaudible I'd say, leaving only the HDDs or one of them as noisy.
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