How many buy Grey vs Local ?

D7200 Body £640 or WEX at £920
Nikon 80-400 £1435 or WEX at £1624 after £275 cash back

Total save £469 for grey off the bay... "already in UK" sellers.

I started looking because of the cash back offers from Nikon.... thinking it would level the score.... alas not.
Having just read the Nikon website on the subject it suggests what I was expecting anyway.
My understanding has been that UK consumer law always says your issue is always with the place you purchased it from. Doesn't matter how long or the type of warranty the OEM offers.

So for a Grey item it is covered by Nikon warranty, in the country it was purchased in… So if it goes wrong the seller needs to take it back and return it to the place it was bought from (Hong Kong? ) and has it repaired locally and returned to you after.
In all cases your dispute is with the seller not the OEM, even UK items you would take back to the seller and agree a resolution. Where by the UK seller could well return it to the official Nikon centre, as the Seller is having it fixed under warranty not the buyer.

So the issue or risk then becomes, is the seller still in business to support, how long you have to wait for a repair.

I'll take the risk on new D7200 shortly :)
Gamble taken, D7200 and battery grip ordered from Portusdigital... free postage and 3 year warranty from seller. Price for the body 649, UK price would be around 930-950.
Might return for a 80-400 later...... As even with the current cash back offer it still a few hundred cheaper to go grey.
Well the state hasn't ever supported by, quite to opposite !!!
The assumption here is Grey has zero tax and duty paid..... That's not the definition of grey, it's still meant to have duty paid... Whether that happened by the resellers we won't know. Does their business plan only work if they dodge it?
So new dilemma, I have my "grey" 7200 now, very nice to, even came in a body only box, no missing kit lens trick.... ;)

Looking at the 80-400 before the cash back offer ends..... I have from surrendering my reward points on my Credit card £235 of Amazon vouchers, plus the 275 Cash back gives me £510 off the £1899 advertised price..... which ends up about the same as grey item !!!

Stay grey and spend the vouchers on something else or be all moral and go local ?
Then HMRC or the government should revise the laws so that companies can't sell without adding VAT, they are trading and selling, so how they leave it off I don't know.... Not like they are hard to track down either.

I own my own VAT registered company, I have to charge/collect VAT for HMRC, then pay them, but I'm allowed to keep some of it as payment for doing their job :D
It's been well published that even the big official on line sellers only pay token gesture of tax... As well as various coffee shops etc.... So as a customer you can never be sure.... The fact the all the official sellers always seem to have exact same prices is little rigged no ? ... What illegal price fixing maybe by the OEM/distributor?

I wasn't the importer, I ordered from a UK website from a company with a UK address, which is printed on the invoice, I made a UK based purchase.... Liability is with them not me.
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