How many DINKs here?

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Dual income no kids.... Incase anyone was having 'Nam flashbacks.

I'm not foreseeing having children. It's not planned.
I might regret it, I might not. Guess I'll find out
If there's a happy accident then fair enough.
Why, I'm not 100% sure, I'm not ready and rapidly getting older, no one's ever ready cliché.

I've seen arguments along the lines of it being one the most selfish things you can do, to deny future kids from existence (wtf?)

Obviously a very, very devise topic as people usually defecate the bed when it comes to stuff like this.

Maybe a poll?

If in a long term partnership/ married ...

Having kids ASAP
Not too bothered
No way
No way (give reason) weirder ecological doomsday are best.
So having kids is for your own entertainment and so you have someone to look after you later.

It's certainly one side of it
Is worrying about finances a cop out?
That was my go-to "not wanting kids" excuse when I was much younger. Career and financial stability were pre requisites.
That doesn't seem to be for everyone either? Plenty of irresponsible parents just pumping them out to cover the shortfall in my lack of offspring.
The overwhelming majority of you will regret not having children, i dont believe your reasoning is sound, things like cost or time, or wanting to enjoy various things like holidays and so forth are just excuses.

Several threads over the years there is either a claim to want to not have children, or that people are introverted, yet at the same time exists long term relationships, friends and family.

I think these things are just contrary and i believe you guys are fooling yourselves.
I've always seen you as a teenager in my mind :p obviously not as you speak with conviction and I guess family experience.
You must be in your 40s is 87 is your year in username choice.
What gives you the drive to need children?
Religious background? Small community?
Traditional parents? Extended family?

My grandparents were all dead by the time I was 16. This has probably had a profound effect on me regarding having my own family
I never see my cousin's either.

This is turning into a self help session.
Yeah, there's more risk for an older mum, for sure.

Mainly, I just like having small children about. Also, my two youngest (girls) would have loved to have a baby to fuss over. Selfishly, I'll miss things like the first day of school, teaching them to read and ride a bike (and learning to shoot arrows myself, as my boy wanted to do that). All the little things, which are actually the biggest things of all.

Thinking I will never hold another baby of mine is something that makes me a little sad. And I am, as my wife often tells me, nor a very reflective person!
Crazy but this all sounds so cliché to me.
I guess no kids for me might be right after all.
Trying to do what your parents failed to do for you but your version/interpretation
I'm not having a personal dig, I'm having an existential crisis :p
I don't think anyone has a clue but some raise kids at the same time not having a clue their either and sometimes luck is on your side.
How can it be nonsense until you have done it? Surely someone who has had kids is better to judge than someone who hasn't as they have seen both sides of the coin?

Judging by a lot of comments on here it seems a lot of couple are only together for financial reasons as well and deep down would most likely prefer being single bachelors if they could afford it. Even being in a non child relationship requires giving up your time to be with the other. My partner and I pretty much do everything together. She isn't just a women but also my best friend. We give our time to each other. No different to what we would do with a child.

Bad judge of character then sorry :)
It's genetically and socially hard coded that when you have a kid you devote your life to its wellbeing, bringing it worms, puking fish i to its mouth etc, at least for 99% of parents I'd imagine. There's always anomalies.

I'm sure if I had a kid I'd look after it exceptionally well, be the best dad ever etc....
2 flights yesterday and both we sat behind or Infront of screaming toddlers.
2h35m of nearly nonstop screaming.... Thank god I had WW2 In colour to watch, those SS execution squads really calmed my nerves.
The activity of this thread has really got me thinking about it all again.
I'm still not gonna have kids but o might take a much more active role with my bro in law's family. Get all the benefits without the mental torture.
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