How many miles you do per year?

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
The reason I ask is, just looking on here for MV Augusta's see if there's any Senna's around... and found this standard F4... a 55' plate on 1,169 miles... I mean... why even have it, unless he has it in his living room for looks alone lol.

Also I did find two Senna's this one... blimey it's a stunning bike and am seriously tempted... might go and take a looksy on Friday ;-)


So, based on this insanity, what mileage you guys do?
I've had my CBR600 since May 2012... so lets call that 2 years... bought it on 8,390 miles... it's currently on 21,000 miles so... 12,610 miles done in 2 years... so... 6k miles per year average...

How about you guys?
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