How many minutes do you use per month?

17 Oct 2002
Just out of interest how many minuets do you use on your mobile per month?
I make around 850 to 1000 minutes of and receive about 500 to 800. Its mostely work related as I make social calls on the land line

That’s a shocking amount of time on the phone. My bill averages around £200 per month :(

EDIT: I really need to cut back as it cant be good for me and my girlfriend is on at me about using the phone too much
Use 120-150 minutes, 10 txt
Rec 30 minutes, 20 txt

My phone : £15 for 200min 50txt

My Contract is so not worth me having :(
1000 minutes a month (sometimes more) and thats all social to the bird bit...I whop your bottom.........£35 all in! 02 I love you!
~850 minutes a month and recieve about the same.

I'm a student so that's all social calls - probably about 80% to my gf

Just got my bill today.
I've used 30mins and 100 texts in a month lol. That's quite embarrassing considering my job :p
On Relax 200 with T-Mobile. Think I'll be cancelling it next month and getting a cheaper tariff because I just don't use this much.

I use the phone for plenty of other things, if nothing else but to demonstrate the features to customers but I hardly make calls and texts have gone down lately.

Might as well save myself a bit of cash. :)
900 mins for £27.25 and i normally still get a bill for over £90(so probably around 2000 mins?) plus my orange one as well which is on premier 600. Thats not including data usage.

Last month i sent over 2300 texts from my t mobile pda. But that is coz i keep forgetting im texting rather than emailing and end up sending one text that is like 20 texts long and thats several times a day, im hoping to of halved that by now as im slowly remembering to click the pop3 setting
Generally i make around 300mins of calls and send about 300 text messages. Some months I hardly use it at all, other times i've had bills where i've made over 2000 mins of calls. I don't have/use a landline so the mobile is my only phone.

I could probably cut down and save myself quite a bit, as its scary when i add up the cost of my mobile over the last 12 months.
BUSH said:
I could probably cut down and save myself quite a bit, as its scary when i add up the cost of my mobile over the last 12 months.

Your porbally on the wrong contract then tbh. With the traiffs that are avlaible now I dont see how its possable to get a bill over £70 in about 95% of cases.
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Usage varies, normally a few hundred minutes, few hundred texts, not that my bill changes either way :) Could use a few thousand and it still wouldn't.

As for people spending amounts you can't understand, some people place value on things other than the final bill, and aren't obsessed with making their phonebills as low as possible at any cost.
Xpander said:
The receivers of those texts must be really impressed with you!
lol :p i guess some older phone users may be hacked off but a lot of phones receive them as one now adays and only bleep the once. Like the D500 and D600 for example can receive numerous texts as one
Dolph said:
As for people spending amounts you can't understand, some people place value on things other than the final bill, and aren't obsessed with making their phonebills as low as possible at any cost.
Yep, give me decent customer service any day. One of the reasons I've never left Orange - someone always answers the phone in under 10 seconds once it's started ringing. I don't know of many places I have to ring that can claim that!
200 Mins 500 Texts for £24 a month

Only use like 50 mins but some months can shoot up to 200, texts, around 200 but can shoot to 450. I also use a bit of data which comes outta my texts, so i'm happy.

(Standard Voda tariff for £25pm only gives you 125mins!)
Dolph said:
As for people spending amounts you can't understand, some people place value on things other than the final bill, and aren't obsessed with making their phonebills as low as possible at any cost.

very true. I see the hassle my brother has switching provider every year to get better deals, and I just can't be bothered with porting/changing numbers all the time, cancelling contracts etc, so for an easy life i just stick with o2 through CPW as I've never had any hassle and they've always bent over backwards to help me on the odd occassion i've had a problem.
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