there are different factors at play and each has a varying effect on performance, it depends how much RAM you want, what modules you are buying and how much manual tuning/overclocking you intend to do imho
as I understand it:
- memory latency (low CL) at high frequency is the single biggest factor and it tends to be Single Rank kits that deliver the higher specs, thus if you want more than 16GB you have to consider using 4 Dimms slots
- very high frequencies benefit from 2 slot usage but you have to start messing with the ratios unless the CPU is under LN2, and this could cause a performance penalty
- using 2 slots allows you to upgrade in the future but if you needed say 64GB during the lifetime of your PC you probably should look at Threadripper and workstation class motherboards
- 4 x SR = 2 x DR more or less anyway
- 4 x DR might cause you to have to lower the frequency and increase timings due to the load on the IMC
If you just want to install some RAM and forget about it 2 slot DR is probably the better option just get low latency stuff like CL16 or less