How many people can wheelie?

10 Jun 2010
Can most experiened riders do this or is it quite a special thing to be able to carry off properly anyway, not just a 1 sec pop of the front wheel.

Reason I ask is because a fat obnoxious acquaintance of mine claims back in his day he was pulling wheelies all the time on his wonderful R6. I call BS on it. Just curious what the odds were of it being true.
Hmm, I think most people can do it for at least a few seconds (most of the time without planning to :p).

Doing it for considerable distance is an acquired skill though.

I think most people will find if they can already wheelie a push bike, a motorcycle is even easier.

Really? I thought it would have been much harder. I'm pretty decent on a mountain bike and could wheelie for a bit, nothing special.

I don't fancy trying it on a CBR600 though. Maybe when I'm confident on it, who knows.

Out of curiosity, if I try and pull away to quickly with too much throttle on the CBR, am I in danger of popping the front end?

For those who don't know, I don't have the bike yet and it'll be my first.
Used to wheelie all the time when I got into biking. Got ok at it, good couple of hundred yards on the back wheel on a straight road.

Got it wrong once and overcooked it, don't really do them much now funnily enough :)

Plus it took me 5 years for my mates to stop singing the flipper theme tune every time I pulled up.

There just jealous haha.
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