How many posts for you to work out who a poster might be?

29 Aug 2007
Hello you beautiful babies! Glorious and amazing every one!

If you were blindfolded and a stranger was reading a GD thread to you but without telling you who had written the comment or post which of the following could you identify with a degree of confidence?

Group A - you could guess the poster using less than 3 sentences in one of his posts.

Group B
- you could guess the poster based on his /her whole post (assuming it is more than 3 sentences)

Group C - you would need more than one post to to identify the poster with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Flavour your examples with names like you would add seasoning to develop depth and flavour if you like that sort of thing.

e: to correct my appalling spelling mistake in the thread title which SexyGreyFox pointed out at least twice and I completely missed. Thank you sir.
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Group A:
Roar87 because he's so awful.
Tony Edwards and VincentHanna because they're so wonderful.

Am I doing this right?
No, your Group A would be: Roar87, Tony Edwards, and VincentHanna. That is, and without inflection of preference or alignment to their views, you could guess the poster using less than 3 sentences in one of his posts.

Nicely done.
So if Feek changed 10 regular long term users names into Regular1 , Regular2 (and so on) would we still recognize who they are or would they subconsciously start changing their posting style?

This is actually a better idea than what I was aiming for in my OP. I wonder if @Feek or @Maccy have 10 last Christmas gifts to deliver?
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