How many pro photographers...

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
How many pro photographers... do you know that do not have any qualifications?

I ask this becuase I don't want to spend the next 4 years of my life back in education if it is not a big thing in the photography industry.

Will I struggle to find a job without a HND in photography? I think 4 years work experience would be better than a HND...... :confused:

Advice please.
Thats some good points please keep them coming.

I really would prefer go down the work experience path if I can. A college can teach me all the technicalities of how everything works and what would make a good photograph but I'm one of those ppl who I think that would make me very narrowminded and cut my creativity in my photographs.

I'm too late for college this year anyway. Not itnerested in an evening course. I think the time would be better spent finding a job in photgraphy.
Just a quick update here to let ppl know I managed (by some miracle) to squeeze my way in to a NQ Photography course at North Glasgow College after showing the lecturer my photobox photobook she was really impressed and could see my enthusiasm for photography and squeezed me in to the course. :)

Now all I need to do is try and find the funding for it... :(
Mohain said:
Nice one Colin.

BTW, your sig is breaking the rules and it's already been replaced a couple of times. Just a quick heads-up :)

Good luck on the course mate :)

It is? I changed the size of it that what was breaking the rules right? It is now only 75px in height, same as everyone else. Or am I missing something?
stu.artd said:
Good luck with the 1 year NQ course.
One thing I don't understand though is that in your original post you mentioned the HND being 4 years ? Surely it's only 2 years, unless it was part time of course ?

I know that AP offer a course or two that may be useful for people wanting to study at home/in their spare time.
As far as I know, the HND is 3 years, I was mentioning 4 years which was including the 1 year NQ.

I had my first day today, first time I have ever picked up a film camera and I must admit I really enjoyed shooting with it, I did find myself having to think a lot more about my photos and setup than with digital.

I am 2 weeks late on the course but I caught up on all the technical jargon they have covered in those 2 weeks in 30minutes, thanks to the internet and these forums.

Tomorrow I venture into the dark room for the first time, very exciting stuff :)
Houston we may have a problem !

I'm very claustrophobic and today when putting the film in the container to prep for the chemicals, doing this in the dark room I didn't like it at all and actually had to put the film in the canister and leave the room without doing the task. Eeek.

Wasn't expecting to be this bad :( :( :(
All we have is the pitch black dark room which is small and hot.

I am actually freaking out thinking about having to go into it again, never been this bad at something from cluastrophobia...

Donno what I'm going to do.... I'm really worried I'm gonna get chucked off the course if I come forward about it not only look like a complete reject not being able to go into a ******* room! Not to mention I don't stand a chance of passing the course if I can't develop my own film.

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