How many times can I reinstall windows xp?

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
I had a problem the other month where I had to reinstall my copy of windows xp home oem.

The cd key wouldnt work it gave me some message about it was used to much on my pc? I had to ring MS and get a new one, wich funnily enough consists of all numbers and no letters?

Anyway I need to reformat again, will I be ok? I dont want to have to go through the same greif.

See my thread here...
Last time I got this..

our records have idicated that the number of times you can activate windows with this product key has exceeded.. please enter a new cd key.

I just had a read up of this method...

What information has been send to Microsoft as part of this activation process ?

- serial number of the system volumne
- MAC adress of the network card
- display adapter ID
- CPU serial number
- harddisk ID
- IDE controller ID

This information is stored in the file WPA.DBL. It seems not to be possible to transfer
this file from an activated Windows XP installation to a fresh Windows XP installation
on the same system (like: a new disk is installed and Windows XP is re-installed) :
I tried it : as soon I restarted Window XP and it checked the WPA.DBL file copied from
a previous installation, Windows XP expected "fraud" and insisted immedialely on
If somebody else was able to transfer the WPA.DBL to a new installation and could
avoid the need for re-activation, please inform me on how it was done.

You can exchange a few of these components (like upgrading to a new graphic card or a
new network card), but once too many of components ( I think it is 3) are changed, then the
activation become invalid and you will be asked to activate again.

Does anyone know if it must be done in safe mode?
I have just noticed too.. the numbers the guy gave me on the phone are 6 digits and my old key was 5 digits consisting of letters and numbers.

So would I put in the old letters and numbers.. then when it complains put in the new 6 digit numbers?

Failing the wpa.dbl method.

Christ what a nightmare.
I have sp2 built in to this version too. It's certainly worth a shot mate, if the worse comes to the worst I'll just have to ring em again. :rolleyes:
Would you belive it, I am now using the reformated version and when it came to activate it passed first time lol.

Didnt need to do anything in the end, but thanks for the tips though, very interesting. :)
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