How much do you need to survive each year?

24 Jun 2021
I'm after data points to compare with:

How much do you need to survive each year?
(estimate to the nearest 1k)

Including: council tax, home insurance, house maintenance, water, energy, broadband, phone, pc (essential!), groceries, clothes, other essentials.

Excluding: mortgage/rent (assume home is owned), car, holidays, non-essentials.
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With mortgage
13k for me
24k as a couple

Without mortgage
8k for me
14k as a couple

I know as that's what we are contributing to the joint account.

I gather from our Earnings that is quite a low cost base? Just from being on the forum for a while and people saying it's weird to take a free fridge! :D

Whoops. I didn't see mortgage excluded.
New figures.
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I have a pretty detailed spreadsheet of costs for my family of 4. If I cut out mortgage payments and Birthday/Christmas presents, I get around £25K base costs, before any capital expenditure. That does include running costs (but not finance payments or saving up) for two cars. We could maybe shave a K or two off of that if we were desperate, but that's about it.
For all DD's just under £650 inc mortgage, elec, gas, council tax etc. Say 80 or so for food but let's just round it up to £800 a month for good measure to account for home insurance/car stuff (I pay all insurance annually and car is paid off) So £9600 per year, let's just say £10k to make it nice.
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If we were really pushed I think we could get it down to £7.5k each but that currently includes the mortgage which will end in a few years. Realistically with no treats it’s more like £10k each. Add in those and about £15k each should do it assuming we don’t move house, have a kid, etc.
Where do you draw the line? Anything from £15k to £100k joint
The minimum, this is about surviving, basic needs.

In the original post I tried to summarise include/exclude lists to make sure we're all including the same stuff:
Including: council tax, home insurance, house maintenance, water, energy, broadband, phone, pc (essential!), groceries, clothes, other essentials.
Excluding: mortgage/rent (assume home is owned), car, holidays, non-essentials.

btw what brought this on was for me I calculated about 11k, then I asked mum and she said 6k.
I am mainly interested in numbers for single people because that's my situation, but other numbers are welcome as long as people state their situation.
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~14k a year. ~16k if I add a holiday.
I'm quite frugal by nature so I suspect most would see my lifestyle as survivalist as opposed to just being comfortable in my own skin and living a style that suits me.
Retired now, so interest on investments alone covers that and quite a bit more. I do need to be more extravagant as otherwise I'll snuff it on sitting on a tidy sum!
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