How much do you spend per month on your hobbies?

What counts as hobbies?

Hard to say. Mine are outdoors. So a new EMTB will cost my 5k maybe 2025

Next year I'm buying a van for probably 15k. It'll be for hobbies.

Really hard to say!

Forgot all my outdoor clothing.
It really adds up!

Edit 2.
What about hobby holidays? I'll be spending 3k on a solo holiday due to hobbies in 2024.

Must be 1000s a year on average.

Edit 3

The issue is how you define hobbies vs any other discretionary spending!

Things I classify as hobbies.
Mountain biking.
3d design/printing
Plants (you can laugh but some of my plants are worth 100s)

Hobbies can get expansive

Spot the childless poster :cry:

(I hope I'm right)
Is the real question here:

"How much money do you throw at non-essential things that bring you joy and happiness even if that's beer that you **** away shortly after?"

I wouldn't class regular drinking as a hobby but I would if you use that app where you rate beers and go out of your way to try new ones etc. I wouldn't count pet ownership. The 'non essential things that bring you happiness' is almost right, I'd probably rephrase to 'non essential activities that bring joy...'

I'm trying to justify spending about 10% of my take home on a unit where I can do car/van/bike projects and stuff.
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