How much do you spend when you go out in pubs or drink alcohol at home?

25 Mar 2015
I don't drink alcohol yet , but have always wondered how much those who drink, spend on alcohol say on a weekly basis?, more so those who go to pubs etc.. I am just curious to know.
So by look of it, most spend roughly £100 a month which isn't that bad at all as I thought most would spend way more!
Most people I know don't drink that much, and it just makes me realise, I haven't got that many friends . I actually thought people spent way more on alcohol, especially in pubs.
The reason for this is because I have heard and come across people, who spend all their benefits or wages on booze, so I thought people do spend more. I now realise that those who spend all or most of their money on alcohol are the exception rather than the norm, which is very encouraging.
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