How much does a decent surround sound system cost?

16 Nov 2011
Looking to get a decent sound system, ie not one of those rubbish ones from Currys etc, but one with maybe a separate A\V unit and\or amp. And I was just wondering how much a decent one will cost.
heh bought my current technics setup from currys about 11 years ago mind. cost me £450 with staff discount but came with a eltax sub and some solid surround speakers. still going strong though and is nice and loud. :D

Don't want anything loud, all I am interested in is sound quality, and being able to change the volume without getting up.
The only thing I really want is good quality sound, I don't need streaming, or this and that. As for the A\V unit I don't see what the point is in the video inputs , surely anything will be outdated in a few years when you have 4k\8k, so are there any setups that just concentrate on the quality of the sound, and not volume or features. As for the inputs all I really need are the standard inputs, Sky, Blu Ray, PC so no legacy devices.
It's a big market and so potential buyers have a wide variety of needs. You might only need a couple of HDMI inputs and some way of connecting the PC, but that might not be the case for many other purchasers. Manufacturers have to try to cover as many bases as possible. That's only reasonable. What you'll also find is that these features come as standard with the sort of AV receivers that can make a decent fist of music.

As for 4K/8K, if and when the dust finally settles and there's a firm final standard for each then we might all face the prospect of having to change our gear to be properly compatible.

You still haven't said anything specific about what "good sound quality" means to you. What have you heard so far that you thought was good? What's your frame of reference, and what specifically are you going to be using as audio sources? For example, are you talking about being able to hear the difference between the sound quality of DVD (DD/DTS) and Blu-ray (Dolby TrueHD/DTS-MA), or are you looking for a surround system that can do music; and if so are you planning on using the Blu-ray player as a music source or the PC. If it is the PC then are these ripped files from your own CD library (and in what file format and quality) or are you streaming from online music libraries, or have you just audio converted a load of YouTube music? As you can see, there's lots of information missing from your queries which makes it difficult to almost impossible to give you any kind of constructive help other than a few random shots in the dark.

Finally, what's a realistic budget for you? I ask that because it's easy to say you want something good enough to blow away the local cinema's £20K rig for detail but if you're expecting that for £200-£300 tops then that would be an unrealistic goal.

Over to you.

That's the thing, I don't really have a frame of reference, all I really have is an old 2.0 system that I didn't buy and the absolutely rubbish sound from the TV. I have heard systems in stores before, but because of the ambient noise you can't really take anything from that.

As for what it's for, almost entirely TV via Sky or Blu-Ray and maybe PC in the future via optical, not really for music although there is the chance of that, but I am not getting it for music. And as for budget, it all depends what you can get, if a £100 system is fine then the budget would be £100, if it's worth it I can justify it. Although I can't really spend more than I have, so maybe £600, although that doesn't mean I will only be looking at £600 systems.

As for the A\V, is there is any need for it to handle video input, can't I just get a system that only handles audio and then have video go direct? That way whatever I will be using it for in the future it will be able to handle, audio input don't really change that much, I was using an amp that was like 30 years old with a Sky+ HD STB and it worked fine. I just want something that will last, also why I am able to justify the expense.
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