How much have you spent on AV from your humble beginnings.?

16 May 2004
I started my AV addiction when I was 18 years old. That was 12 nearly 13 years ago now.

Started off with a Denon amp, Cd player and Tuner. To go with that little setup I had some Castle bookshelf speakers.

Then came a Technics twin tape deck.

Then my Marantz Dolby prologic surround amp with 5 mission speakers.

Next up was Sony DD and DTS surround amp and Yamaha Sub woofer

Then 5 BW vm1`s (speakers)

Yamaha 6.1 DD DTS surround plus another Vm1 and the matching BW sub

During this spending fest add 3 TVs.

Now I have got a Themescene DLP HD72i PJ plus 92" screen.

Final set up is the PJ the Yam amp and the BW set..

Total £7,350 Estimated.

Whats your addiction like.
Mr_Sukebe said:

Your ending comment on what is your benchmark is interesting. I have much the same feeling towards my current setup. Like you said there is room for improvment.

Money nowadays is a strong deciding point, not having enough is the main one.

I for one am looking at upgrading my current set up soon. I wont be going for the really high end AV equipment as I dont have the expertise like some people on here or even the AVforums.

I like what I have got and it does me proud. My friends and family like it so what more do I need really.

For reference here is my setup. Nothing great but is the best I can afford.
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