How much heating oil do you use?

10 Oct 2006
Recently moved from all fire heated to oil heated place.

Its a small house, 6 radiators, fairly well insulated. Thermostat regulated heat. Turned way down at night.

Its been about two months and if my calculations are correct i burn through about 50 quid worth of oil in a week. Is this about right ? Or should i be looking for new burner ?
I have quite a spacious 4 bedroom house, combination of new build and 200 year old cottage that has been signifcantly upgraded. I spend about £2,000 a year which works out at about £40 pounds a week. The average hides the whole story though, I live in Scotland and the winter months can be very cool. I estimate in jaunary and February I spend about £60 a week. In the peak summer months it's next to nothing, as it only provides hot water.

To me £50 a month in winter, in NI sounds reasonable to me. The sad thing is only a few years ago, your oil bill would have been 40% less. The joys of not having a domestic gas supply!
I just did a search and found this.
I'm also using about £50 worth of oil per week. It's an old cottage with only 4 radiators.
I'm going to do further research on tips on how to save or use heating efficiently..... if anyone can link me please do.

Thanks in advance

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