Why not join the council gym, the Body Line gyms are really rather good now, a lot better than what you may think a council gym would be like, especially the newer build ones (i use the one at John Smeatons), i think usually it is £36 per month but for that you can use any of the 20 locations across leeds, gets you swimming in any of the 18 pools and also allows you to do any of the fitness classes or use the squash courts for free. If you are with some companies they also offer a discount scheme (i work for the nhs and get 20% off that fee, so it's £28.80 a month) and you can also add your girlfriend/familly using the discount sheme too.
I was a member at Bannatynes @ J41 and if you join now it's madness, you wont be able to get in a class, the pool is always busy and i used to have to go at 9pm to be able to have free run of the place especially the weights as there is only 1 smiths rack and a couple of free weights benches. I also had problems leaving, they wanted me to pay up the full 3 months, i just ended up writing a letter stating that i had a medical condition which meant i couldn't go to the gym any more and there is a clause in the contract that states you can just give 28 days notice due to this, handed that in to the manager, got a receipt and cancelled my direct debits.