How much is the 18-55mm kit lens worth?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I am not looking to sell, I am looking to buy. Don't have enough funds to get a 17-40 so going to get this as a stop gap to cover the wider angle.

Been offered one at £40, is that too much? It seems too much since it's only £20 more for the kit lens kit. Anyone here willing to part with theirs? :p
They seem to sell for around 50 squid on ebay. Make of that what you will. Personally I'd be happy with paying £40 for one.
Sounds like a fair price. Remember the £20 difference for the body+kit lens is small because its discounted because you are after all buying both as a bundle.
i sold mine on ebay a while ago for 42 quid.

that was the going price around 3 months ago.
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