How much more battery do VBR mp3's use up?

24 Oct 2002
In comparison with say CBR 192kbps mp3's what percentage extra battery would an ipod use up playing an album encoded with VBR instead?

Just wondering if its worth the gain in quality against the loss in battery life

Looking for rough estimations here guys :) thanks
Not too much different. If vbr is averaging about 192kbs it will have about same bat life as a cbr 192kbs - you prob looking at 30 mins less over 14 hours.

Higher the bitrate lower battery will last.
Vegetarian said:

Higher the bitrate lower battery will last.

Why ? , I would have thought the higher the bit rate then the less maths/interpolation required so less power used by the DSP .
Higher bitrate = more disk reads = less battery life.

VBR will make virtually no ogg thats another story, but we're talking ipod anyway..
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cheers guys. I was hoping you would say that.

The 1st half of my CD collection i ripped at either 128 or 192kbps bit since i went for VBR which averages at around 200kbps and i was worried that this would rinse my ipod battery lfe :)
mrgubby said:
Why ? , I would have thought the higher the bit rate then the less maths/interpolation required so less power used by the DSP .

Think of it like this - you download a 100k photo off the net - it takes much quicker then a 1mb photo becuase there is less information.

Same with mp3s - the biger file the more infomation that has to be processed.
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