How much storage does your PC have?

1 Sep 2003
Just curious what people find sufficient really. I like having a large game collection on hand and also use my PC to store film and TV rips of my discs. Hence I just can't get enough.

I don't want any mechanical hard drives as I love the speed and silence.

Currently have;
2x 2tb Gen 4 NVMe
2x 2tb Gen 3 NVMe
2x 4tb Sata SSD
1x 2tb Sata SSD
1x 128gb USB

I'll be getting one more 4tb Sata before the end of next year... then I'm done lol.
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I have 2 x 2tb Ssd, pointless storing games if you have a fast connection, and stream films and TV series

I like flicking between games and having a digital collection there waiting, just like you would a physical one.

As for streaming it depends. Its definitely good enough but I like to watch my shows all in one place, at the best quality possible (my PC is connected to a home cinema).
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