How much to charge?

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Deleted member 11679


Deleted member 11679

I have been asked by my swimming coach to construct a new web-site for him to allow him to launch his new business. (Not swimming related)

The site is going to be bought in through 3 stages, stage 1 will be to setup the initial basics like a design and some simple content. This will give him his presence on the web.

Stage 2 will allow for customers to enter details and send through a request for a quote based on what they enter. At this stage the generation of the quote will remain a manual process.

Stage 3 will be to automate the quote system and release the quotes in hard copy form by letter. This will either be done via PHP and MySQL or the information will be loaded into Excel and the wizardry in Excel will generate the quotes.

The site will be developed in PHP with MySQL and this is the first real web-site I'd be producing for money. I'm not after ripping him off but how much should I charge do you feel? Looking for an hourly average rate really.

Stage 1 and 2 will not be a problem for me however stage 3 will be something new all together and will require me to learn lots of new things I feel.



P.S - I thought about 7/hour?
it all depends on how much you think your time's worth. if you'd feel more comfortable charging an hourly rate, then go for that. it may also be worth considering a lump-sum for each stage of the project.

personally, i think £7 per hour is quite low...that's around £13k p/a (based on 40hours p/w), which isn't a lot if you're intending to do a good job, and you'll want to reflect the quality of the job, to a certain extent, in the pricing. i'd say closer to 10, as it sounds like you're going to be doing the design as well as the backend stuff and it could be quite a big job once you get to the end of it.

if you're charging hourly, have a chat with your client, and discuss how you're going to manage your time, how much you intend to get done and what timeframe each stage will be completed in. This is important because he'll want you to be being as productive as possible, so he's getting his money's worth :)
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