How much to charge?

11 Mar 2003
North Shields

After having applied for jobs as a web developer, I've been asked by one particular employer if, since they don't have any full time positions available at the minute, I would be interested in submitting myself as a freelance developer.

Now whilst I don't have any industry experience thus far, I feel more than capable of taking on such work, even if it's not guaranteed (and I will still be looking for a full-time position elsewhere). Also, it would be a big plus to my c.v and aid in getting work in the future.

However, he's asked The Question: how much do I charge? What is my hourly/daily rate?

I've no idea. What would an acceptable rate be in the city of Newcastle Upon Tyne, and would I be better to charge hourly or daily?
JonRohan said:
Of course, if he's minted and doesn't have a clue charge more :D

Heh :D Unfortunately he's the founder of this particular company and uses freelancers quite often; I bet he's got a stellar idea about what a good rate for a freelance developer is.

I've replied to his mail, asking what type of work I would be sent. I have done some freelance work before, and understand that you should allow more time for a project than you originally plan for. I have just never done this in such a professional scenario before; it's always been website work for the bloke who runs the shop down the street, or for a friend of a friend.
JonRohan said:
Don't take a project on that you know you can't do or finish, this will give you a bad rep.

Just seen your flash edit there - I know all about what this can do to someone aswell, and am careful about taking on something that is just too much. Hopefully i'll avoid that nasty pitfall :)
JonRohan said:
I did edit as I thought I read it wrong at first. Oh well, you saw it all anyway.

If you developing a portfolio then just try and get a decent price, at the end of the say its better than not doing anything and your also getting a few notes in the bank.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I just don't want to out-price myself and scare him off, or under-sell myself. Really I should just be thankful since the experience would be good to have.

Thanks for the advice so far :-)
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