How much to respray a bonnet?

18 Oct 2002
As some of you may remember one of my L Plates blew off a couple of months ago taking some laquer with it.

I tried to 1200/polish it out and - as i thought it might - it went straight through to the primer.

I am capable of doing this small blow in with aerosols, but there is a bird crap that has eaten away at the paint somewhere else and numerous stone chips that it would be nice to have done to clean it up. The car is 12 years old, but the rest is really tidy.

So i just wondered how much you guys reckon it would cost to get the bonnet redone? It may not be worth it, and i'll probably do it myself but if it's not too much i may as well get it done properly.

I had a Peugeot 306 bonnet resprayed for a tidy some of £50 :) It was a Peugeot Specialist garage though but will probably vary on place to place.

BeatMaster :D
Best taking it to a local panel beaters, see how much they will do it for. Old man managed to get his cav sri done for £300 (the whole car) including wheel refurb.
begbo said:
Best taking it to a local panel beaters, see how much they will do it for. Old man managed to get his cav sri done for £300 (the whole car) including wheel refurb.

Wow, I bet the quality of the respray and the wheels were awesome :rolleyes:

£300 for a respray and wheel refurb, ha, thats pathetic.
Phil W said:
Could be top notch, how do you know it wasn't a friend of the family or relative? ;)
Well if it was, then that price is hardly relevant to this thread is it? ;)
for a good professional job, (not billy in the back lane) you're looking at £80-£120 per panel depending if it's a metallic or not..

remember to do a bonnet properly you will also have to do the tops of both wings to blend them in.
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