How much voltage can a x1800xt take?

6 Nov 2005
Now that I got my card water cooled I was wanting to up the voltage some more. However I aint read about anyone doing this apart from flashing to a PE bios which I have already done. The cards currently at 740 on the core, it crashs at 755 :( . Trouble is I was wanting to see 11k in 3D05. Im at 10.5k at the moment altho I aint pushed the memory yet.
Any one managed to push the voltage much higher, and if so what kind of clocks did you get?

I also noticed that as soon as I take the core over 700 the card kicks out loads of heat. It was always hot but water cooled at 700 it never goes over 40ish. However once I go over that the temp jumps up to high 40s. No wonder I could only do 700 on air :eek: god knows what my temperatures where when I tryed it.
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