How noisy should a 360 be?

30 Dec 2003
BC, Canada
I got a 360 a week or so ago and it seems really noisy when playing a game and the disc is spinning in it. It basically sounds like a small aircraft is taking off!

Is this normal or should I try and take it back and exchange it for another unit?

wedgie said:
Why not try and be accurate when you say it is loud rather than saying it sounds like a small aircraft taking off.

The 360 is a loud machine but from the info you've given there's no way to know if it's overly loud or just normal, what's loud to one person might be simply normal to another.

How loud do you have to have the TV turned up to not here the 360 when playing?

Okay, maybe that was a bit of a bad description, It sounds about 2-3 louder than my PC DVD drive when it does the initial spin up and just keeps going. I have to turn up the volume on the TV to what is about 35 on the volume gauge when normal viewing can be done at level 20-25 depending on the tv channel so I can hear what's happening in the game.

It's hard to explain really well, but it just seems a lot noisier than I expected it to be.
Mr_T said:
That's not acurate either... "I have to turn my TV up to 40 on the volume."

"40!!! I only have to have mine on 20!!!" Blah Blah Blah

Each TV is different, so that makes no sense, the only way you could accurately judge it is with a decibel meter... and who has one of those!

In a general level of noise sense then yes it is sort of accurate, Normal TV viewing is at X volume, but I need to increase the volume to Y when the Xbox is on indicates a level of volume higher than normal viewing. I appreciate that everyone's TV is different, but it give an idea of how much of an increase is required.
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