How object orientated can you make a website?

26 Jun 2003
North West
I was thinking before that I hardly have any classes on my website (php), only a database class that is really used.

For example take the well known gaming site:, or any other.

Now by looking at these sites I cant get my head around how object orientated you can make them.

I want to be able to get all my sites into 1 class that creates instances of other classes inside it.

Is it possible to get the entire site into classes?
JonD said:
Is it possible to get the entire site into classes?


it depends. building your first site entirely out of object oriented code will take a while. but your code will be easily reusable.
Yeh i know, but what actual classes can u actually define on a site such as the one above?
Don't think "what classes make the site", think "what sites can I build from thus class?" - bottom-up design :)

Break the site down to its lowest level and you'll begin to work out the functionality needed :)
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