Alright, thanks for the reply. Everything seems okay atm and I plan on taking apart everything when I get a new case soon so I'll clean them then.Depends. I just cleaned my case fans for the first time since they were installed 5.5 years ago, and they only had a light covering of dust (I clean off the filters in front of them every couple of months though). Previous systems I owned with high-speed fans needed cleaning much more often. I clean stuff when it looks dusty, or it starts making funny noises, or gets hotter than it should, or if I happen to be taking it apart anyway.
You would be surprised how minging and choked with dust they can get before it seriously impacts cooling
Depends on how much dust, hair, dander, from kids, dogs, cats, birds etc. I use filters on all case intake fans and don't use any case exhaust fans, just let air flow out unobstructed vents. I hoover filters first house hover of each month. 2 of our systems are about 2 years old now and are still nice and clean inside. Newest one is only few months old so not enough use yet. 2 systems are 24/7 units.I'm concerned about potential dust build up. Should I clean them whenever they look dusty or at regular intervals, e.g. every month