How old to ride a motor bike on a track

14 Oct 2011
So how old, I'm twelve and when I was 9 my friend went dirtbiking. I'm looking at some cheap motocross childrens bikes?
Depends on the track, if its a "proper" track you will probably have to be 17+ with a full license unless its a youth event.

But if its just some private land somewhere it doesnt matter how old you are or if you have a license
Which bike do you reccomend for a twelve year old? and are there any practise tracks (by my self) in Kent?
Id say go along to a few meets at local tracks, talk to the kids riding, talk to their parents and ask about different brands and setup costs etc. That'll give you the best idea.
Doesn't seem like you get much response on here. Your best off as above.

For your age there's two bike groups, so I would look at bikes that fit that, but as said just go to a track and have a word they should be able to give you lots of info, they'll probably have second hand bikes. But more importantly talk you through everything you need to know and list of tracks etc.
i personally wouldn't trust that £250 death trap :P would be really poorly built and you will grow out of a 50cc way to quickly if you are sensible i would go for an 80-125 depending on your height and weight (if you are bigger than 5ft an 80 is probably a bit small for you)

when i was 10 i had a yz 85 great fun and tough me how to ride :)
look around at know brands ie Yamaha (yz85 are good ) or Kawasaki (kx125) they are going to cost you more but you get what you pay for

as with riding in your garden as long as its your land and the bike complies with sound regulation you can do what ever you want :).

as mentioned above go to a local track ad speak to one of the guys or go for a training day and rent a bike to see if its right for you
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Get a supermoto. The series I race in has a junior class. The tracks are based around the north but there is a southern championship too.
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