How old were you when you got your first PC?

3 Jan 2018
I got my first real pc at the age of 7 in 2001 from old parts my dad and my brother kept over time. I was late to the general computer scene but arrived at the modern era at a pretty good time.

Wondering how old other people were when they got their first kind of computer? One of the guys at work got into programming by reading programming books while writing for his cassettes to load.
Used to play doom and worms on my dads PC back in the mid 90s, then finally built a PC with my dad in 2003 when I would have been about 11.

Miss the days of CS1.6/CSS/BF2 with friends, having friends bring their PCs round and set up the dining table in my bedroom and having LAN parties till 3am, as well as the sense of community back then online.

Now it just seems super toxic and everyone is trying to prove something online :(
I used to watch my dad playing Doom pretending I was helping. I played it too, but I was terrified that if I died, I'd die for real so IDDQD was the only way I'd play.

My friend and I used to do semi-regular LANs together at my parents house during the CSS days. He'd often fall asleep by about 3 or 4am, but he'd wake up to me still playing :cry:

I also remember sneaking downstairs as a young child to play Apache on my Dad's pc :rolleyes: I got caught most of the time.
I was 5 or 6 when I for my first PC, but it was a family Commodore VIC-20 rather than specifically mine.
I was about 11 when I for my first PC, but it was a family IBM x86 rather than specifically mine.
I was 19 when I when I for my first PC which I built myself.
Maybe I did it on purpose to see who's concentrating...
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